How rendering pays for itself

 New and improved EPC Rating (‘U-value’)

In short, rendering pays for itself by saving you money in the long term. It does so by increasing the level of insulation in your home, which can lead to an improved EPC rating (or ‘U-value’). According to Today’s Conveyancer,  the RdSAP energy ratings range from 0-100 which translate to the A-G EPC score we hear most commonly. They tell us that ‘the UK average is an EPC rating of E  (a score of 46).’

London EPC writes that ‘solid wall insulation can be a great way to improve an EPC rating. In some detached properties, [and properties with more exposed wall] the rating increase could be stark, up to 3 level increase.‘ So making the decision to insulate the outer of your property – as well as other more modest changes that we will explain below – could lead to a dramatic and immediate benefit on your EPC rating.

With your new and improved EPC rating, you should expect to see the following results:

Added property value

According to This Is Money, ‘certain energy efficiency measures could add up to 16% onto the value of your home’ due to the improved EPC rating. Simple energy efficiency measures include thicker loft insulation (at least 270mm thick), double glazed windows, and draught excluders, but a significant step to take towards a better EPC could be getting your property rendered.

Research published by the Energy Savings Trust and discussed by Prime Location ‘surveyed 2,090 homeowners, and revealed that 53 per cent of householders said they would be willing to pay extra – up to £3,350 extra* – for a home with greener features. Furthermore, over three quarters – 78 per cent – of those surveyed agreed that having a ‘poor’ rating on their Energy Performance Certificate, now required on any home being sold, could lead to buyers haggling down on the asking price.’

Reduced monthly bills

Making your home more energy efficient means you’ll notice a difference to your monthly gas and electricity bills. The Money Advice Service tells us that ‘spending a little to save a lot is a good investment.’  On top of this, there are occasionally grants available to help with things like:

  • Improving your insulation;
  • Upgrading your boiler and appliances;
  • Installing solar panels or other renewable technologies.

The Money Advice Service continues – ‘even without a grant, some of these investments will pay back what you’ve spent quite quickly and then start saving you money.’

You can get a FREE home energy check via The Energy Saving Trust to see what home improvements you could make in order to save on your monthly bills. On bills alone, you could save up to £250 a year thanks to making improvements to your home, so why not give it a go and contact us for a free quote?


*Figures correct at time of posting via Prime Location. Results may vary between homeowners.

Image courtesy of Tameside Metropolitan Borough

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